[R] linear constraint optim with bounds/reparametrization

Kahra Hannu kahra at mpsgr.it
Mon Aug 9 15:58:26 CEST 2004

> from Ingmar Visser:

>I would like to optimize a (log-)likelihood function subject to a number of
>linear constraints between parameters. These constraints are equality
>constraints of the form A%*%theta=c, ie (1,1) %*% 0.8,0.2)^t = 1 meaning
>that these parameters should sum to one. Moreover, there are bounds on the
>individual parameters, in most cases that I am considering parameters are
>bound between zero and one because they are probabilities.
>My problems/questions are the following:

>1) constrOptim does not work in this case because it only fits inequality
>constraints, ie A%*%theta > =  c
I was struggling with the same problem a few weeks ago in the portfolio optimization context. You can impose equality constraints by using inequality constraints >= and <= simultaneously. See the example bellow. 

>As a result when providing starting values constrOptim exits with an error
>saying that the initial point is not feasible, which it isn't because it is
>not in the interior of the constraint space.

In constrOptim the feasible region is defined by ui%*%theta-ci >=0. My first attempt to obtain feasible starting values was based on solving for theta from ui%*%theta = ci. Some of the items in the right hand side of the feasible region are, however, very often very small negative numbers, and hence, theta is not feasible. Next, I started to increase ci by epsilon ("a slack variable") and checked if the result was feasible. The code is in the example bellow. If ui is not a square matrix, theta is obtained by simulation. It is helpfull to know the upper and lower limits of the theta vector. In my case they are often [0,1]. Usually only 2-3 simulations are required.

In the example, the weights (parameters) have limits [0,1] such that their sum is limited to unity, as in your case. See, how Amat and b0 are defined.

V <- matrix(c(0.12,0,0,0,0.21,0,0,0,0.28),3,3)              # variances
Cor <- matrix(c(1,0.25,0.25,0.25,1,0.45,0.05,0.45,1),3,3)   # correlations
sigma <- t(V)%*%Cor%*%V                                     # covariance matrix
ER <- c(0.07,0.12,0.18)                                     # expected returns
Dmat <- sigma                                               # adopted from solve.QP
dvec <- rep(0,3)                                            #    "      "     "
k <- 3                                                      # number of assets
reslow <- rep(0,k)                                          # lower limits for portfolio weights
reshigh <- rep(1,k)                                         # upper limits for portfolio weights
pm <- 0.10                                                  # target return                      
rfree <- 0.05                                               # risk-free return
risk.aversion <- 2.5                                        # risk aversion parameter
####### RISKLESS = FALSE; SHORTS = TRUE ; CONSTRAINTS = TRUE ########################################
a1 <- rep(1, k)                
a2 <- as.vector(ER)+rfree  
a3 <- matrix(0,k,k)
diag(a3) <- 1    
Amat <- t(rbind(a1, a2, a3, -a3))
b0 <- c(1,pm,reslow, -reshigh)

objectf.mean <- function(x)                                                 # object function

# Getting starting values for constrOptim

        ui <- t(Amat)                         
        ci <- b0
        if (dim(ui)[1] == dim(ui)[2])     
        test <- F
        cieps <- ci
            theta <- qr.solve(ui,cieps)
            foo <- (ui%*%theta-ci)              # check if the initial values are in the feasible area
            test <- all(foo > 0)
            if(test==T) initial <- theta        # initial values for portfolio weights
            cieps <- cieps+0.1
         if (dim(ui)[1] != dim(ui)[2])          # if Amat is not square, simulate the starting values        
        test <- F
        i <- 1
            theta <- runif(k, min = 0, max = 1)
            foo <- (ui%*%theta-ci)
            test <- all(foo > 0)                # and check that theta is feasible
            if (test == T) initial <- theta
            i <- i+1


res <- constrOptim(initial, objectf.mean, NULL, ui=t(Amat), ci=b0, control = list(fnscale=-1))
res$par                                     # portfolio weights (parameters)                    
y <- t(res$par)%*%ER                        # return on the portfolio

I hope this helps.

Hannu Kahra 
Progetti Speciali 
Monte Paschi Asset Management SGR S.p.A. 
Via San Vittore, 37 - 20123 Milano, Italia 
Tel.: +39 02 43828 754 
Mobile: +39 333 876 1558 
Fax: +39 02 43828 247 
E-mail: kahra at mpsgr.it 
Web: www.mpsam.it 

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