[R] imput data in cclust

Fabrice Armougom armougom at igs.cnrs-mrs.fr
Fri Aug 6 10:11:17 CEST 2004

I would like to see an example of a data matrix for cclust and how to
import it to cclust.
In fact, i don't know how to give my imput for cclust program!

i test this file 

1 0.23 1.52
2 0.52 1.25
3 0.13 1.89
4 0.78 1.11

i do  

i have this error message:

Error in sample(length(x), size, replace, prob) :
        invalid first argument

Now if i do :

i've this error message :
Error in as.double.default(x) : (list) object cannot be coerced to

Is someone can help me??

CNRS UPR 2589 -Laboratoire Information genonique et structurale-
31 chemin Joseph Aiguier
13402 Marseille cedex 20, FRANCE
tel. +33 (0)4 91 16 44 51

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