[R] Is k equivalent to k:k ?

Marc Schwartz MSchwartz at MedAnalytics.com
Mon Aug 2 17:09:52 CEST 2004

On Mon, 2004-08-02 at 09:46, Georgi Boshnakov wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder if the following (apparent) inconsistency is a bug or
> feature. 
> Since scalars are simply vectors of length one I would think that 
>       a      and 
>       a:a 
> produce the same result. For example,
> > identical(4.01,4.01:4.01)
> [1] TRUE
> However,
> identical(4,4:4)
> [1] FALSE
> and
> > identical(4.0,4.0:4.0)
> [1] FALSE
> A closer look reveals that the colon operator produces objects of
> different class, e.g.
> > class(4)
> [1] "numeric"
> > class(4.0)
> [1] "numeric"
> but
> > class(4:4)
> [1] "integer"
> > class(4.0:4.0)
> [1] "integer"
> Georgi Boshnakov

The ":" operator is the functional equivalent of "seq(from=a, to=b)".

Note that the help for seq() indicates the following for the return

"The result is of mode "integer" if from is (numerically equal to an)
integer and by is not specified."

Thus, when using the ":" operator, you get integers as the returned
value(s), which is what is happening in your final pair of examples.

If you look at the final example under ?identical, you will see:

identical(1, as.integer(1)) ## FALSE, stored as different types

This is because the first 1 is a double by default.

Thus, in the case of:

identical(4, 4:4)

the first 4 is of type double, while the 4:4 is of type single. Thus the
result is FALSE.

Now, on the other hand, try:

> typeof(seq(4, 4, by = 1))
[1] "double"

You see that the result of the sequence is of type double. Hence:

> identical(4, seq(4, 4, by = 1))
[1] TRUE

So to the question in your subject, no "k" (a double by default) is not
the same as "k:k" (a integer by default).


Marc Schwartz

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