[R] OT: apt-get and R in Debian

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Thu Nov 27 15:03:29 CET 2003

On Thu, Nov 27, 2003 at 01:11:48PM +0100, Stefano Calza wrote:
> Sorry for the OffTopic, but I always have a problem using apt-get to 
> update my debian siystem and R. 
> Anytime it updates the packages (right now I installed a self-compiled 
> version of 1.8.1), even if they are exactly the same. Anybody can help 
> me?

We probably need more info to help you.  

I presume you have CRAN and Debian testing in /etc/apt/sources.list?  Did
you try to use the apt configuration to give preference to one archive over
another, or exclude one, or ...  See some of the available apt documents,
e.g. from the apt-howto package, should help. Also, 'apt-cache policy
r-base-core' will tell how apt sees and ranks the archives you have set up.

The easiest will probably be to simply exclude, say, CRAN.  


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                                                -- Groucho Marx

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