[R] Parameter estimation in nls

Spencer Graves spencer.graves at pdf.com
Tue Nov 25 17:10:25 CET 2003

	  If the numbers are letter frequencies, I would suggest Poisson 
regression using "glm"  the default link is logarithms, and that should 
work quite well for you.

	  hope this helps.  spencer graves

Very many thanks for your help.

 >> What do these numbers represent?

They are letter frequencies arranged in rank order.  (A very big sample
that I got off the web for testing, but my own data - rank frequencies of
various linguistic entities, including letter frequencies - are likely to
be similar.)

Basically, I am testing the goodness of fit of three or four equations:

- the one I posted (Yule's equation)
- Zipf's equation (y = a * b^x, if I remember rightly, but the paper's at
home, so I may be wrong...)
- a parameter-free equation

Andrew Wilson

      Since x <- 1:26 and your y's are all positive, your model,
ignoring the error term, is mathematically isomorphic to the following:

> x <- 1:26
> (fit <- lm(y~x+log(x)))

lm(formula = y ~ x + log(x))

(Intercept)            x       log(x)
   35802074      -371008     -8222922

      With reasonable starting values, I would expect "a" to converge to
roughly exp(35802074), "k" to (-8222922), and "b" to exp(-371008).  With
values of these magnitudes for "a" and "b", the "nls" optimization is
highly ill conditioned.

      What do these numbers represent?  By using "nls" you are assuming
implicitly the following:

      y = a*x^k*b^x + e, where the e's are independent normal errors
with mean 0 and constant variance.

      Meanwhile, the linear model I fit above assumes a different noise

      log(y) = log(a) + k*log(x) + x*log(b) + e, where these e's are
also independent normal, mean 0, constant variance.

      If you have no preference for one noise model over the other, I
suggest you use the linear model I estimated, declare victory and worry
about something else.  If you insist on estimating the multiplicative
model, you should start by dividing y by some number like 1e6 or 1e7 and
consider reparameterizing the problem if that is not adequate.  Have you
consulted a good book on nonlinear regression?  The two references cited
in "?nls" are both excellent:

       Bates, D.M. and Watts, D.G. (1988) _Nonlinear Regression Analysis
     and Its Applications_, Wiley

     Bates, D. M. and Chambers, J. M. (1992) _Nonlinear models._
     Chapter 10 of _Statistical Models in S_ eds J. M. Chambers and T.
     J. Hastie, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

hope this helps.  spencer graves

Dr Andrew Wilson wrote:

>I am trying to fit a rank-frequency distribution with 3 unknowns (a, b
>and k) to a set of data.
>This is my data set:
>y <- c(37047647,27083970,23944887,22536157,20133224,
>and this is the fit I'm trying to do:
>nlsfit <- nls(y ~ a * x^k * b^x, start=list(a=5,k=1,b=3))
>(It's a Yule distribution.)
>However, I keep getting:
>"Error in nls(y ~ a * x^k * b^x, start = list(a = 5, k = 1, b = 3)) : 
>singular gradient"
>I guess this has something to do with the parameter start values.
>I was wondering, is there a fully automated way of estimating parameters
>which doesn't need start values close to the final estimates?  I know
>other programs do it, so is it possible in R?
>Andrew Wilson
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