[R] R for various ports of linux

Nathan Leon Pace, MD, MStat nlpace at remi.med.utah.edu
Wed Nov 5 22:07:08 CET 2003

To all:

I currently download the R binaries for Redhat 7.x Linux.

There is considerable turmoil in the vendors of Linux. Redhat 
apparently is changing it's business model to paid versions.

This might motivate my department to use a different vendor of Linux.

Is there anything predictable about which vendors/versions of Linux 
will have R binaries in the future?



PS I looked at CRAN and didn't immediately find any info about the 

Nathan Leon Pace, MD, MStat	Work:nlpace at bigpace.med.utah.edu
Department of Anesthesiology	Home:nlpaces at comcast.net
University of Utah			Work:801.581.6393
Salt Lake City, Utah			    Home:801.467.2925
					Fax:801.581.4367										Cell:801.558.3987

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