[R] xyplot (lattice), strip.default

Renaud Lancelot lancelot at sentoo.sn
Tue May 6 15:09:31 CEST 2003

Wladimir Eremeev wrote:
> Dear r-help,
>   I've got data of the following structure
> 1979  93.428747  0
> 1979  87.298608  20
> 1979  78.506340  40
> ...
> 1979  45.567890  340
> 1980  60.815289  0
> 1980  49.630904  20
> 1980  24.981362  40
> ...
> The first column is year and the last one is the longitude.
> I need a set of graphs showing the dependence of the middle value on
> the longitude, for each year, situated one blow the other.
> I.e.
> 1979: --...---```--``--..
> 1980: ...--``../``\...---
> ...
> etc.
> Here characters ---...---``` denote the curve.
> The middle value is on the vertical axis
> and the latitude is on the horizontal axis of each graph.
> To do this I use xyplot function from the Lattice package:
> xyplot(ac15$"value"~ac15$lon|year,data=ac15,
>        type="l",
>        layout=c(1,24),
>        xlab="Longitude",
>        as.table=TRUE,
>        bg="white"
>       );
> But I have some problems using it.
> Questions:
> 1. How to make xyplot to draw the year value in the strip above each
> graph instead of writing the word 'year'?

Look at ?strip.default and try style = 4, or style = 5:

fooData <- data.frame(
     year = factor(rep(2001:2010, each = 20)),
     y = rnorm(200),
     x = rep(1:20, time = 10))


trellis.device(bg = "white")
xyplot(y ~  x | year, data = fooData,
        type = "l",
        layout = c(1, 10),
        xlab = "Longitude",
        as.table = TRUE,
        strip = function(...) strip.default(style = 5,...)

> 2. I'd like to produce a .png file with graphs without drawing them on
> the screen.

Look at ?trellis.device:

trellis.device(bg = "white",
                device = "png",
                filename = "d:/analyses/fig1.png")
xyplot(y ~  x | year, data = fooData,
        type = "l",
        layout = c(1, 10),
        xlab = "Longitude",
        as.table = TRUE,
        strip = function(...) strip.default(style = 5,...)



> I try:
> png(filename = "Rplot.png", width = 480, height = 1024, pointsize = 12,
>          bg = "white");
> trellis.device(device=getOption("png"),
>                color = FALSE,
>                bg = "white" );
> xyplot.... [see above]
> But I get the error message:
> Error in trellis.device(device = getOption("png"), color = FALSE, bg = "white") :
>         couldn't find function "device.call"
> Where's the problem?
> I use R 1.7.0 and Windows NT 4.0 workstation.
> Thank you for attention and help!

Dr Renaud Lancelot, vétérinaire
CIRAD, Département Elevage et Médecine Vétérinaire (CIRAD-Emvt)
Programme Productions Animales

ISRA-LNERV                      tel    +221 832 49 02
BP 2057 Dakar-Hann              fax    +221 821 18 79 (CIRAD)
Senegal                         e-mail renaud.lancelot at cirad.fr

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