[R] spatial correlation test

Martin Wegmann baliola at riseup.net
Mon Jun 30 18:48:22 CEST 2003


I want to do a test for spatial correlation.
I tried it with geary.test() but I don't understand the required input. 
x= a numeric vector the same length as the neighbours list in listw (my 
sampled data, I assume)
listw= a listw object created for example by nb2listw (well when I check 
nb2listw() I get to "neighbours - an object of class nb" - but I couldn't 
figure out, what nb is or how I create such a class

with sp.mantel.mc {spdep} I have the same problem: listw created by nb2listw

isn't there a more straight forward method ;-)  to check for spatial 
correlation? like x and y coordinates plus my sampled data?

thanks, Martin

BTW thanks everybody for their help with my last problem -> [R] regression for 
several responses - it worked perfectly

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