[R] problems with library in 1.7.1

R. Heberto Ghezzo heberto.ghezzo at mcgill.ca
Thu Jun 26 17:33:02 CEST 2003

I am using R 1.7.1 just downloaded on Win98. With the old 1.6.2 I had
modified the etc/Rprofile file as

# Things you might want to change
# options(width=80)
# options(papersize="a4")
# options(editor="notepad")
# options(pager="internal")
# to prefer Compiled HTML help
# to prefer HTML help
# options(htmlhelp=TRUE)
# to prefer Windows help
# options(winhelp=TRUE)

.lib.loc <- c("c:/R/R_cran/library","c:/R/R_w/library",.Library)
and it normally worked well, calling library() gives me a list of all
packages in the 3 sites
but in R 1.7.1 on Win98

> .lib.loc
[1] "c:/R/R_cran/library" "c:/R/R_w/library"    "C:/R/RW1071/library"
> .Library
[1] "C:/R/RW1071/library"
> library()
  only lists C:/R/RW1071/library
> .Library <- .lib.loc
> library()
  same result, does not add the other libraries

if I return Rprofile to its original and instead create and
Renviron.site as in the FAQ

R_LIBS = C:/R_CRAN/Library;C:/R_W/Library

> .Library
[1] "C:/R/RW1071/library"
In addition: Warning messages:
1: list.files: C:/R_CRAN/Library is not a readable directory
2: list.files: C:/R_W/Library is not a readable directory
Well I used them before, what should I do now to make them readable?
Thanks for any help

Heberto Ghezzo
Meakins-Christie Labs
Montreal  Qc  Canada

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