[R] R help output in separate window
Jim Lemon
jim.lemon at uts.edu.au
Tue Jun 24 03:35:14 CEST 2003
Peter Dalgaard's interest in a different method of help display led me to
combine R's method of finding the help files, which is much better than the
search method I initially used, with a system call to display the help file
in an arbitrary method in another window.
For the original request of using "less" in an xterm, the user would have to
create a batch file (in *NIX or equivalent method in other OSs) similar to
the following:
xterm -T $1 -e less $1
which I call "startless", and store it in a file in the user's path. Then
insert the following lines in something like the .Rprofile file:
where HDfile is the path and file name of the following file
(for me, "/home/jim/R/helpdisp.R"):
# retrieves the R help filename corresponding to a particular
# type of display. Defaults to "help" (sort-of-text) and will
# currently cope with HTML and any other display where the
# name of the display program and the directory name of the
# help files are the same.
get.help.filename<-function(topic,display.type="help") {
lib.loc <- .libPaths()
packages <- .packages(all.available = TRUE, lib.loc = lib.loc)
for (lib in lib.loc) {
for (pkg in packages) {
INDEX <- system.file(package = pkg, lib.loc = lib)
file <- index.search(topic, INDEX, "AnIndex",display.type)
if(length(file) && file != "") files<-c(files,file)
# Calls get.help.filename for the name of the relevant help file
# and if a filename is returned, calls the pager, browser or
# other program to display the file. The name of the display
# program must be the same as the directory for the appropriate
# files in any format other than "help" or HTML.
help.display<-function(topic,display.type=c("help","html")) {
if (is.name(topic))
topic <- as.character(topic)
else if (!is.character(topic))
stop("Unimplemented help feature")
if(length(helpfile)) {
if(display.type == "help")
else {
if(display.type == "html")
# if the user has specified a display type, try to run it.
else {
cat("Error starting display type",display.type,"\n")
else cat("Can't find help for",topic,"\n")
A lot of this is simply what I hope is the relevant code lifted from the
help() function. I think that separating the filename finding and display
calling parts of the function make it a lot easier to follow. I welcome
suggestions and improvements.
Feel free to ignore any garbage beneath this line.
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