[R] FW: S4 classes, creating in C
Douglas Bates
bates at stat.wisc.edu
Mon Jun 23 17:38:05 CEST 2003
Laurence Kell FM CEFAS <L.T.Kell at cefas.co.uk> writes:
> I am using C code to create an S4 object based on Douglas Bates's example
> in his lecture notes on
> <http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/Conferences/DSC-2003/Tutorials/RExtensions/slide
> s.pdf>
> http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/Conferences/DSC-2003/Tutorials/RExtensions/slides
> .pdf
> e.g.
> {
> SEXP aa = PROTECT(duplicate(A));
> SEXP adims, pivot, val;
> int m, n, info;
> if (!isMatrix(aa) || !isReal(aa)) {
> error("A must be a double precision matrix");
> }
> adims = GET_DIM(aa); m = INTEGER(adims)[0]; n = INTEGER(adims)[1];
> pivot = PROTECT(NEW_INTEGER(m < n ? m : n));
> F77_CALL(dgetrf)(&m, &n, REAL(aa), &m, INTEGER(pivot), &info);
> check_Lapack_error(info, "dtrtrf");
> val = PROTECT(NEW_OBJECT(MAKE_CLASS("LUdecomposition")));
> SET_SLOT(val, install("a"), aa);
> SET_SLOT(val, install("pivot"), pivot);
> return val;
> }
> LUdecomposition is an S4 class defined as
> setClass("LUdecomposition", representation(a="matrix", pivot = "integer"))
> This works in R 1.7.0 and R 1.7.1 but if I initialise any of the slots
> setClass("LUdecomposition", representation(a="matrix", pivot = "integer"),
> prototype=list(pivot = NA) )
> then I get the following error message in R 1.7.1 but not R 1.7.0
> Error in makePrototypeFromClassDef(properties, ClassDef, immediate) :
> In making the prototype for class "LUdecomposition" elements of the
> prototype
> failed to match the corresponding slot class: pivot (class " integer
> ")
> Why can I no longer use the prototype to set the default values?
I'm not sure. This may be the type of question that requires John
Chambers' attention and I think he is away from his email this week.
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