[R] right assignment ("->") and functions

Robin Hankin r.hankin at auckland.ac.nz
Mon Jun 23 07:54:58 CEST 2003

Hi again list.

Thanks for these replies.  I guess the issue is one of parsing units
being different from my expectations.  I saw a related issue in a
slightly different context a couple of days ago:

R> f1 <- function(a,b)
R> f2 <- function(a,b)

...which (rightly) give very different results [the original bug took
me *hours* to find].



> It does work.  It just doesn't do what you expect.
> Suppose you typed
>  {x^2} -> f3
> This would assign x^2 to f3.
> So
>   function(x)
>     {x^2} -> f3
> is an anonymous function of one argument, which assigns the square of that
> argument to the local variable f3.
> To get what you wanted you would need
> {function(x) x^2}-> f3
> 	-thomas


Robin Hankin, Lecturer,
School of Geography and Environmental Science
Tamaki Campus
Private Bag 92019 Auckland
New Zealand

r.hankin at auckland.ac.nz
tel 0064-9-373-7599 x6820; FAX 0064-9-373-7042

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