[R] What's wrong with ar for my data?

zhu wang zhuw at mail.smu.edu
Thu Jun 19 07:37:58 CEST 2003

Dear helpers,

When I use ar to fit the data with length 180, I have the following

Error in acf(x, type = "covariance",lag.max=order,plot=FALSE):
         lag.max must be at least 1

If I use 

ar(x), then I have

Call (x=x)

order selected 0 sigma^2 estimated as 5374

Obviously I missed some points for using ar. 
This is R 1.7.0 under Redhat Linux 9.0
Thanks in advance.

Zhu Wang
Statistical Science Department
Southern Methodist University

zhu wang <zhuw at mail.smu.edu>

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