[R] (no subject)

Binksjess@aol.com Binksjess at aol.com
Tue Jun 17 15:48:11 CEST 2003


I'm trying to write code for a repeated measures ANOVA.  To put things in 
perspective, I'll describe my experiment (briefly).  I have a 2X2 factorial 
design with pH (5.5, 6.5) and local community (present, absent) as my treatments.  
I had plastic enclosures that I sampled across five weeks with the density of 
7 species acting as my response variables.  I'm analyzing one species at a 
time and doing Bonferonni corrections after the analysis.  I've attached an 
example of one of my data files showing the treatments and the change in density 
(of one species) over 5 weeks.  Hopefully someone can shed some light on this 
question: how to write a repeated measures ANOVA code in R?  Thanks.  Hope to 
hear soon.

Jessie Binks

You can email a response to: jbinks at utm.utoronto.ca


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