[R] Re: R 1.7.1 is released

Dan E. Kelley Dan.Kelley at Dal.Ca
Mon Jun 16 17:19:08 CEST 2003

Peter Dalgaard BSA wrote:

>I've rolled up R-1.7.1.tgz a short while ago. 
Thanks, Peter.  This is terrific!  I find that this R installation is 
only accessible to the root.  In case it helps other folks, I've 
attached a patch on the file
that solves the problem for me.

NOTE: I am not too sure I've done the patch right, in terms of 
filenames.  (I'm not familiar enough with diff and patch to do this sort 
of thing reliably!)  So, in words, the change is simple: find the "@cp 
-r" command of the "install:" target in src/library/Makefie.in and 
change it to "@cp -pr" so that the permissions are retained.  At least 
on my (linux/redhat9) box, this should work OK.


Dan E. Kelley, Associate Professor                phone:(902)494-1694
Oceanography Department, Dalhousie University       fax:(902)494-2885
Halifax, Nova Scotia                         mailto:Dan.Kelley at Dal.CA
Canada B3H 4J1   http://www.phys.ocean.dal.ca/~kelley/Kelley_Dan.html

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