[R] problem installing packages from source on win2k

Simon Cawley simon_cawley at affymetrix.com
Sat Jun 14 02:02:07 CEST 2003

Dear R-helpers,

I'm having trouble compiling R packages from source on Win2K.  I installed R 1.7.1beta [1] on my win2k machine [2], downloaded the fields package as source [3] and tried but failed to install the package [4].  I get the same problem with other packages, so it doesn't appear to be limited to fields.  Installation of precompiled packages seems to work fine.  I've been doing this on linux for a long time and never ran into such an issue.

I've trawled the FAQ and the archives but I'm not finding anything.  Any clues where I'm going wrong?

Thanks in advance,




[1] Version of R: 1.7.1 Beta, obtained from <http://www.stats.uwo.ca/faculty/murdoch/software/r-devel/rw1071beta.exe> on 6-13-2003

[2] Output from version:
  platform i386-pc-mingw32
  arch     i386           
  os       mingw32        
  system   i386, mingw32  
  status   Beta           
  major    1              
  minor    7.1            
  year     2003           
  month    06             
  day      06             
  language R  

[3] fields 1.3.1 package downloaded from <http://cran.stat.ucla.edu/src/contrib/fields_1.3-1.tar.gz>.

[4] within cygwin bash shell, I ran the following:
  Rcmd install fields_1.3-1.tar.gz
which dies with the error
hhc: not found
cp: cannot stat `c:/tmp/R.INSTALL/fields/chm/fields.chm': No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [chm-fields] Error 1
make: *** [pkg-fields] Error 2
*** Installation of fields failed ***

See below for full log of stdout and stderr from the installation attempt.



cvrcss.f: In subroutine `cvrcss':
cvrcss.f:61: warning: `cvmin' might be used uninitialized in this function
cvrcss.f:63: warning: `best' might be used uninitialized in this function
cvrcss.f:65: warning: `trbest' might be used uninitialized in this function
gcvcss.f: In subroutine `gcvcss':
gcvcss.f:59: warning: `gcvmin' might be used uninitialized in this function
gcvcss.f:61: warning: `best' might be used uninitialized in this function
gcvcss.f:63: warning: `trbest' might be used uninitialized in this function
gcvfc.f: In function `gcvfc':
gcvfc.f:18: warning: unused variable `rinf'
rkmat.f: In subroutine `rkbesl':
rkmat.f:212: warning: `itemp' might be used uninitialized in this function
hhc: not found
cp: cannot stat `c:/tmp/R.INSTALL/fields/chm/fields.chm': No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [chm-fields] Error 1
make: *** [pkg-fields] Error 2



---------- Making package fields ------------
  adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
  making DLL ...
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c css.f -o css.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c csstr.f -o csstr.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c cvrcss.f -o cvrcss.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c cvrf.f -o cvrf.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c dchold.f -o dchold.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c dcopy.f -o dcopy.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c ddot.f -o ddot.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c dlv.f -o dlv.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c dmaket.f -o dmaket.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c drdfun.f -o drdfun.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c dsetup.f -o dsetup.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c expbs.f -o expbs.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c expfn.f -o expfn.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c gaspbs.f -o gaspbs.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c gaspfn.f -o gaspfn.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c gcvcss.f -o gcvcss.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c gcvfc.f -o gcvfc.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c hsort.f -o hsort.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c ifind.f -o ifind.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c inpoly.f -o inpoly.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c lscv.f -o lscv.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c m2deb.f -o m2deb.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c mkpoly.f -o mkpoly.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c mltdrb.f -o mltdrb.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c mltdtd.f -o mltdtd.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c msort.f -o msort.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c multeb.f -o multeb.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c multgb.f -o multgb.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c multrb.f -o multrb.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c nkden.f -o nkden.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c nkreg.f -o nkreg.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c nvden.f -o nvden.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c radbas.f -o radbas.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c radfun.f -o radfun.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c rcss.f -o rcss.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c rcssr.f -o rcssr.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c rcsswt.f -o rcsswt.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c rkmat.f -o rkmat.o
g77 -O2 -Wall  -c sortm.f -o sortm.o
ar cr fields.a *.o
ranlib fields.a
windres --include-dir c:/PROGRA~1/R/RW1071~1/src/include  -i fields_res.rc -o fields_res.o
gcc  --shared -s  -o fields.dll fields.def fields.a fields_res.o  -Lc:/PROGRA~1/R/RW1071~1/src/gnuwin32  -lg2c -lR 
  ... DLL made
  installing R files
  installing data files
  installing man source files
  installing indices
  not zipping data
  installing help
 >>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'fields'
     Formats: text html latex example 
  BD                                text    html    latex   example
  Krig                              text    html    latex   example
  Tps                               text    html    latex   example
  US                                text    html    latex   example
  US.dat                            text    html    latex
  Wtransform.image                  text    html    latex   example
  Wtransform.sim                    text    html    latex   example
  arrow.plot                        text    html    latex   example
  as.image                          text    html    latex   example
  as.surface                        text    html    latex   example
  bplot                             text    html    latex   example
  bplot.xy                          text    html    latex   example
  cover.design                      text    html    latex   example
  exp.cov                           text    html    latex   example
  fields-internal                   text    html    latex
  flame                             text    html    latex
  grid.list                         text    html    latex   example
  image.count                       text    html    latex   example
  image.cov                         text    html    latex   example
  image.plot                        text    html    latex   example
  image.smooth                      text    html    latex   example
  interp.surface                    text    html    latex   example
  krig.image                        text    html    latex   example
  lennon                            text    html    latex
  make.Amatrix.Krig                 text    html    latex   example
  make.Amatrix                      text    html    latex   example
  matern.cov                        text    html    latex   example
  minitri                           text    html    latex
  nkreg                             text    html    latex   example
  ozone                             text    html    latex   example
  ozone2                            text    html    latex   example
  plot.Krig                         text    html    latex   example
  plot.sreg                         text    html    latex   example
  plot.surface                      text    html    latex   example
  poisson.cov                       text    html    latex   example
  precip                            text    html    latex
  predict.Krig                      text    html    latex   example
  predict.se.Krig                   text    html    latex   example
  predict.se                        text    html    latex   example
  predict.surface                   text    html    latex   example
  predict.surface.se                text    html    latex   example
  print.Krig                        text    html    latex   example
  qsreg                             text    html    latex   example
  rat.diet                          text    html    latex
  rdist                             text    html    latex   example
  rdist.earth                       text    html    latex   example
  set.panel                         text    html    latex   example
  sim.rf                            text    html    latex   example
  smooth.2d                         text    html    latex   example
  splint                            text    html    latex   example
  sreg                              text    html    latex   example
  stats                             text    html    latex   example
  stats.bin                         text    html    latex   example
  summary.Krig                      text    html    latex   example
  surface.Krig                      text    html    latex   example
  transformx                        text    html    latex   example
  vgram                             text    html    latex   example
  vgram.matrix                      text    html    latex   example
  world                             text    html    latex   example
  xline                             text    html    latex   example
  yline                             text    html    latex   example
 >>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'fields'
     Formats: chm 
  BD                                                                chm
  Krig                                                              chm
  Tps                                                               chm
  US                                                                chm
  US.dat                                                            chm
  Wtransform.image                                                  chm
  Wtransform.sim                                                    chm
  arrow.plot                                                        chm
  as.image                                                          chm
  as.surface                                                        chm
  bplot                                                             chm
  bplot.xy                                                          chm
  cover.design                                                      chm
  exp.cov                                                           chm
  fields-internal                                                   chm
  flame                                                             chm
  grid.list                                                         chm
  image.count                                                       chm
  image.cov                                                         chm
  image.plot                                                        chm
  image.smooth                                                      chm
  interp.surface                                                    chm
  krig.image                                                        chm
  lennon                                                            chm
  make.Amatrix.Krig                                                 chm
  make.Amatrix                                                      chm
  matern.cov                                                        chm
  minitri                                                           chm
  nkreg                                                             chm
  ozone                                                             chm
  ozone2                                                            chm
  plot.Krig                                                         chm
  plot.sreg                                                         chm
  plot.surface                                                      chm
  poisson.cov                                                       chm
  precip                                                            chm
  predict.Krig                                                      chm
  predict.se.Krig                                                   chm
  predict.se                                                        chm
  predict.surface                                                   chm
  predict.surface.se                                                chm
  print.Krig                                                        chm
  qsreg                                                             chm
  rat.diet                                                          chm
  rdist                                                             chm
  rdist.earth                                                       chm
  set.panel                                                         chm
  sim.rf                                                            chm
  smooth.2d                                                         chm
  splint                                                            chm
  sreg                                                              chm
  stats                                                             chm
  stats.bin                                                         chm
  summary.Krig                                                      chm
  surface.Krig                                                      chm
  transformx                                                        chm
  vgram                                                             chm
  vgram.matrix                                                      chm
  world                                                             chm
  xline                                                             chm
  yline                                                             chm
*** Installation of fields failed ***

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