[R] Error when creating layouts with partly filled pages within lattice

Deepayan Sarkar deepayan at stat.wisc.edu
Thu Jun 5 19:32:44 CEST 2003

Could you try with the latest lattice (0.7-13) ? I don't see an error with it. 
It's not immediately obvious to me where the problem could have come from, 
but there were a bunch of similar problems fixed recently.

On Thursday 05 June 2003 08:21, Hotz, T. wrote:
> Dear all,
> Please take my apologies if that has already been asked
>  - at least I couldn't find it in the archives.
> When trying to specify a layout within library lattice,
> i.e. using xyplot, I get an error when the prepanel
> function tries to subscript the automatically generated
> x.limits. This seems to appear if the last page wouldn't
> be filled completely, i.e. there would be space left
> for more panels. Please see session snippet for a simple
> example.
> Am I missing something? Any hints highly appreciated.
> Cheers
> Thomas

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