[R] Logistic regression problem: propensity score matching
paul_bivand at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Jun 4 01:42:29 CEST 2003
Hello all.
I am doing one part of an evaluation of a mandatory welfare-to-work
programme in the UK.
As with all evaluations, the problem is to determine what would have
happened if the initiative had not taken place.
In our case, we have a number of pilot areas and no possibility of
random assignment.
Therefore we have been given control areas.
My problem is to select for survey individuals in the control areas who
match as closely as possible the randomly selected sample of action area
As I understand the methodology, the procedure is to run a logistic
regression to determine the odds of a case being in the sample, across
both action and control areas, and then choose for control sample the
control area individual whose odds of being in the sample are closest to
an actual sample member.
So far, I have following the multinomial logistic regression example in
Fox's Companion to Applied Regression.
Firstly, I would like to know if the predict() is producing odds ratios
(or probabilities) for being in the sample, which is what I am aiming
for. Secondly, how do I get rownames (my unique identifier) into the
output from predict() - my input may be faulty somehow and the wrong
rownames being picked up - as I need to export back to database to sort
and match in names, addresses and phone numbers for my selected samples.
My code is as follows:
londonpsm <- sqlFetch(channel, "London_NW_london_pilots_elig",
mod.multinom <- multinom(sample ~ AGE + DISABLED + GENDER + ETHCODE +
lonoutput <- predict(mod.multinom, sample, type='probs')
london2 <- data.frame(lonoutput)
The Logistic regression seems to work, although summary() says the it is
not a matrix.
The output looks like odds ratios, but I would like to know whether this
is so.
Thank you
Paul Bivand
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