[R] gam questions

Simon Wood simon at stats.gla.ac.uk
Tue Jun 3 11:43:36 CEST 2003

> 2. I've fitted a glm y~a+x+a:x, where a is a 3 level factor and x is a 
> continuous covariate. If I want to fit a similar gam model, is it correct 
> to fit y~a+s(x)+s(x,by=a.1)+s(x,by=a.2)+s(x,by=a.3), where a.1--a.3 are 
> dummy variables representing each level of the factor? Or is the s(x) term 
> redundant?
- yes the s(x) term is redundant and in the current mgcv version will
likely cause spectacular nonsense as a result of lack of identifiability
in the smooth part of the model (mgcv 0.9 will cope with this when
released, but it's still much better to use an identifiable smooth

> Simon Wood simon at stats.gla.ac.uk        www.stats.gla.ac.uk/~simon/
>>  Department of Statistics, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ
>>>   Direct telephone: (0)141 330 4530          Fax: (0)141 330 4814

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