[R] Building an R package under Windows NT

Benjamin.STABLER@odot.state.or.us Benjamin.STABLER at odot.state.or.us
Mon Jun 2 23:08:55 CEST 2003

Thanks for the suggestions.  

1) I fixed the zip.exe PATH issue.
2) I removed unnecessary quotes around C:\Program Files\R
3) I ran Rcmd install emme2 with the following result:

---------- Making package emme2 ------------
  adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
  installing R files
 175373 [main] sh 352 proc_subproc: Couldn't duplicate my handle<0xA4> for
pid 1736008448, Win32 error 6
  installing man source files
  33006 [main] sh 280 proc_subproc: Couldn't duplicate my handle<0xA0> for
pid 1736008448, Win32 error 6
  installing indices
make[1]: *** [indices] Error 255
make: *** [pkg-emme2] Error 2
*** Installation of emme2 failed ***

4) I ran Rcmd build --binary emme2 with the following results:

D:\>Rcmd build --binary emme2
* checking for file 'emme2/DESCRIPTION' ... OK

---------- Making package emme2 ------------
  adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
  installing R files
 166100 [main] sh 310 proc_subproc: Couldn't duplicate my handle<0xA4> for
pid 1667855360, Win32 error 6
  installing man source files
  40843 [main] sh 294 proc_subproc: Couldn't duplicate my handle<0xA0> for
pid 1667855360, Win32 error 6
  installing indices
make[1]: *** [indices] Error 255
make: *** [pkg-emme2] Error 2
*** Installation of emme2 failed ***

installing R.css in c:/TEMP/Rbuild.308

* building 'emme2_0.1.zip'
  adding: emme2/ (stored 0%)
  adding: emme2/CONTENTS (deflated 35%)
  adding: emme2/DESCRIPTION (deflated 38%)
  adding: emme2/INDEX (deflated 26%)
  adding: emme2/man/ (stored 0%)
  adding: emme2/man/emme2.Rd (deflated 73%)
  adding: emme2/Meta/ (stored 0%)
  adding: emme2/Meta/Rd.rds (deflated 63%)
  adding: emme2/R/ (stored 0%)
  adding: emme2/R/emme2 (deflated 81%)

5) I ran Rcmd check emme2 with the following results:

D:\>Rcmd check emme2
* checking for working latex ... OK
* using log directory 'D://emme2.Rcheck'
* checking for file 'emme2/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* checking if this is a source package ... OK

---------- Making package emme2 ------------
  adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
  installing R files
 167548 [main] sh 73 proc_subproc: Couldn't duplicate my handle<0xA0> for
pid 1667855360, Win32 error 6
  installing man source files
  33391 [main] sh 337 proc_subproc: Couldn't duplicate my handle<0xA0> for
pid 1667855360, Win32 error 6
  installing indices
make[1]: *** [indices] Error 255
make: *** [pkg-emme2] Error 2
*** Installation of emme2 failed ***

installing R.css in D:/emme2.Rcheck

* checking package directory ... OK
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* checking package dependencies ... OK
* checking index information ... OK
* checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
* checking R files for library.dynam ... OK
* checking generic/method consistency ... WARNING
  function(x, ...)
  function(link.data, nodes, centroids, ...)

* checking for assignment functions with final arg not named 'value' ... OK
* checking Rd files ... OK
* checking for undocumented objects ... ERROR
Error in undoc(package = "emme2") : directory 'D://emme2.Rcheck/emme2'
contains no help index

Thus I am not doing something correctly.  I was able to install the package
via the "install from local zip file" option in RGui though.  But I can't
search for any of my functions and the 00Index.html file was not created.
Do I need to create 00Index.html with Rdconv?  I thought maybe I should use
"Rcmd build --binary --docs=html emme2" but the "--docs=html" option is not
working for me.  The html is less important to me than the make working
correctly (atleast I am guessing so).  Any ideas as to why the make portion
of the check/build is failing?  Thanks.

Ben Stabler

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Prof Brian Ripley [mailto:ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk]
>Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 11:56 AM
>To: STABLER Benjamin
>Cc: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
>Subject: Re: [R] Building an R package under Windows NT
>Try to install the package first, via
>Rcmd INSTALL emme2
>as a binary build involves an install and a direct install may be more
>The message about zip suggests you don't have the right things 
>first in 
>your path, so please read the file readme.packages and cross check.
>In particular, check that `zip -v' gives
>Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Info-ZIP
>Type 'zip "-L"' for software license.
>This is Zip 2.3 (November 29th 1999), by Info-ZIP.
>(and that version does have an X argument).
>On Mon, 2 Jun 2003 Benjamin.STABLER at odot.state.or.us wrote:
>> I am trying to build a R 1.7 package under Windows NT.  I created the
>> DESCRIPTION file, the RD file and added the code to the R 
>folder.  I also
>> downloaded and installed the Rtools package and have Perl 
>5.0.  I know that
>> Perl, Miktex, and gcc are working.  I also have my PATH variable set
>> correctly.  I can fake install my package by removing the 
>*.R from the code
>> file, using Rcmd Rdconv to create the 00index.html file from 
>my Rd file, and
>> copying the package folder to the library folder.  But I 
>can't seem to get
>> Rcmd build to build a binary version of my package.  I can 
>run build without
>> the "--binary" option and I get all my files in a taz.gz file.  
>> D:\>Rcmd build emme2
>> * checking for file 'emme2/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
>> * preparing 'emme2':
>> * checking whether 'INDEX' is up-to-date ... OK
>> * removing junk files
>> * building 'emme2_0.1.tar.gz'
>> But when I try to build a precompiled binary package I get 
>the following
>> response:
>> D:\>Rcmd build --binary emme2
>> * checking for file 'emme2/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
>> make: *** [pkg-emme2] Error 255
>> *** Installation of emme2 failed ***
>> installing R.css in c:/TEMP/Rbuild.225
>> * building 'emme2_0.1.zip'
>> zip error: Invalid command arguments (no such option: X)
>> Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.
>> Benjamin Stabler
>> Transportation Planning Analysis Unit
>> Oregon Department of Transportation
>> 555 13th Street NE, Suite 2
>> Salem, OR 97301  Ph: 503-986-4104
>> ______________________________________________
>> R-help at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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>Brian D. Ripley,                  ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
>Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
>University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
>1 South Parks Road,                     +44 1865 272866 (PA)
>Oxford OX1 3TG, UK                Fax:  +44 1865 272595

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