[R] lattice: cloud: aspect ratio, labels, vertical lines

Wolfram Fischer wolfram at fischer-zim.ch
Wed Jan 15 12:13:05 CET 2003

I am interested to know how to make for clouds:
- aspect ratio = 1
- labels attached to points
- vertical lines from the points to the x/y base plane

I tried:
    t = c( 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' )
    x = c( 100,   0, 200, 100 )
    y = c(   0, 100,   0, 100 )
    z = c(  80,   0,  20,  40 )

    q = data.frame( x, y, z )
    rownames( q ) = t

    print(cloud( z ~ x * y, data = q, type = c( 'p', 'h' )
        , scales = list( arrows=FALSE )
        , aspect = c( max(y)/max(x), max(z)/max(x) )

My questions:
- Is there an easier way to tell that aspect ratio should be 1
  on all dimensions, especially without the precalculations
  of max(...)?
- "type = 'h'" does not work as I expected. What to do?
- How can I get the labels of t into the graphic?



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