[R] gregmisc

Marc Schwartz MSchwartz at medanalytics.com
Fri Aug 8 04:10:44 CEST 2003

On Thu, 2003-08-07 at 18:42, atsuya fujito wrote:
> Thank you, Marc;
> I installed "car", "R commander" and "Bioconductor".
> I am using R 1.7.1, on MAC OSX 10.2.6

[Long listing of packages snipped]


Thanks for the listing. If that is the complete list, then you are
missing the "VR" bundle of packages, which includes MASS and is
typically part of the 'recommended' package bundle, at least under
Windows and Linux/Unix.

I did a search of the Mac FAQ (**which appears to be for 1.6.0**), the R
Admin manual and the r-help archive, since I do not have "hands on"
experience with Macs. I may have to defer to other Mac OSX users for
detailed guidance here. 

I also just checked Jan de Leeuw's web site at UCLA
(http://gifi.stat.ucla.edu/pub/index.php) based upon a review of the
README at http://cran.r-project.org/bin/macosx/ReadMe.txt. The
indication is that the Mac port for V1.7.0 includes the base and
recommended packages, however V1.7.1 is the base package set only, if my
read is correct.

If that is indeed the case, the solution to your problem may be as
simple as using:


being sure that you have appropriate R/W access permissions to the
library directory tree on your system when you use that R command.

If that solves the problem, then you should be ok and can load
'gregmisc' after VR is installed.

I am copying both Jan de Leeuw and Stefano Iacus on this communication
to be sure that I am offering appropriate advice here. Given the various
time zones involved here, hopefully someone can expediently confirm the
resolution to your problem.

I hope this helps.


Marc Schwartz

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