[R] [OT] R 1.5 for debian woody

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Wed May 8 03:35:07 CEST 2002

On Tue, May 07, 2002 at 01:41:38PM -0700, Austin, Matt wrote:
> It should not matter if woody is frozen or not, I still compile binaries for
> "potato" on my machine. Someone with a woody installation (and a high-speed
> connection) would need to compile the binaries and submit them to CRAN.

Actually, that is exactly what is happening! 

While the Debian packages are produced on testing == woody, which is now
frozen, they are inserted into unstable == sid.

Normally, packages migrate down from unstable into testing. As testing will
soon be released, the current code freeze prevents this migration. Hence the
prevous R release, 1.4.1, will be part of Debian 3.0.

That said, one can safely install the 1.5.0 Debian packages onto any woody
box as I build them a woody box. Try to look for docs on 'apt pinning' for
convenient ways of doing this.

As for potato, Doug Bates and I have been looking for a volunteer to compile
R packages for Debian potato. Would you be able to help, compile R packages
and upload them to CRAN so that they get distributed?


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