[R] plot survival points

Ronaldo Reis Jr. chrysopa at insecta.ufv.br
Thu May 2 20:21:38 CEST 2002

Em Qui 02 Mai 2002 14:42, Thomas Lumley escreveu:
> plot(survfit(Surv(time,censor)~trt))
> or to superimpose on an existing plot
> lines(survfit(Surv(time,censor)~trt))
> 	-thomas
> Thomas Lumley			Asst. Professor, Biostatistics
> tlumley at u.washington.edu	University of Washington, Seattle

Hi Thomas
I try it, but the graphic make is not a point graphic, is a ?scale? plot, 
like this:

| |_
|   |
|   |__
|      |_
|        |_

I need the same graphic, but with point like this:

| *
|   *
|   *
|       *
|         *

I try to change the type (plot(survfit(Surv(tempo,censor)~trat),type="p")), 
but  dont work:(((. I try to use points(survfit(Surv(tempo,censor)~trat), but 
this only work over the plot graphics with ?scales lines? I try to plot using 
type="n" but dont work too. Whem I use type the error appear:

Error in plot.default(tempx, tempy * yscale, type = "n", log = logax,  : 
	formal argument "type" matched by multiple actual arguments

Exist a mode for save the data to be plotted, saving all points calculated by 
the function survfit(Surv(tempo,censor)~trat in a object?

Thanks for all
Inte mais

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