[R] color key with xyplot

Renaud Lancelot lancelot at sentoo.sn
Thu Mar 28 16:41:57 CET 2002

Dear all,

I'd like to draw a color key beside a graph drawn with xyplot (lattice
library). I am aware of the draw.colorkey function (grid library) but
don't know how to handle it. Any hint would be appreciated.


Dr Renaud Lancelot, vétérinaire
CIRAD, Département Elevage et Médecine Vétérinaire (CIRAD-Emvt)
Programme Productions Animales
http://www.cirad.fr/presentation/programmes/prod-ani.shtml (Français)
http://www.cirad.fr/presentation/en/program-eng/prod-ani.shtml (English)

ISRA-LNERV                      tel    (221) 832 49 02
BP 2057 Dakar-Hann              fax    (221) 821 18 79 (CIRAD)
Senegal                         e-mail renaud.lancelot at cirad.fr
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