[R] A Few Questions

Rishabh Gupta rg117 at ohm.york.ac.uk
Thu Mar 21 19:57:39 CET 2002

Hi All R Users,
    I have a few questions, I'm sure that for most you they will be simple.

1.    I am trying to write an object to a file. The dimensions of the object
have name (by using dimnames(x) = ....). The problem is when I save that
data to a file, the dimension name are not written, just the value. This is
not very usefull since I am sorting the object first and if the dimension
names are not printed, I can not see the result of the sort operation. What
I would like is something like
    "Variables Name1"    Variable_Value1
    "Variables Name2"    Variable_Value2
    "Variables Name3"    Variable_Value3

2.    How can I perform a reverse sort? By default, the sort function sorts
in ascending order, there appears to be no option to sort in descending

3.    This is more of a stats question rather than an R question. I want to
analyse the relationship between two different variables. Basically I would
like a function that will measure the dependency or non-dependency between
two variables. I am not sure but I think the lm() function is approriate. If
I am able to do summary(lm(x~y)) and measure the f value or t value. Will
that give me some kind of dependency measurement between the two variables.
Essentially, i want to measure the deviation for a best-fit line between the
two variables.

I hope it makes sense. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks


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