[R] RODBC finding dsn information using OpenLink iODBC drivers

Andrew Schuh andys at neptuneandco.com
Fri Jan 11 19:21:43 CET 2002

I'm using RODBC to connect to a MS SQL server.  I've been able to get it 
to work without much of a hitch in windows.  However, I'm using 
OpenLink's iODBC drivers on the Linux side and I'm not sure how RODBC is 
able to find information about the dsn's (which is in the odbc.ini 
file?).  I've tested the connection with the test program included by 
OpenLink and I've verified that it connects to the server correctly.  I 
just need to get R to be able to connect.

I believe I am using the latest RODBC package and R>1.3.1 on a Redhat 
7.2 (Intel) machine.

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