[R] Little graph questions!

Paul Johnson pauljohn at ku.edu
Sun Feb 17 17:05:39 CET 2002

I'm working up a set of small working examples in R to show what various 
distributions are and the beauty of the central limit theorem.  Those 
example programs are in this directory:


You can feel free to use those if you want, or you can send me other 
small working example code for R.  The key here is small, self contained 
things that show things that R can do and people can run without too 
much trouble.

Anyway, I have hit these problems (questions)

1. When I use paste to edit a title, it inserts spaces where I don't 
want them.

See the picture here:


and note that, after the equal signs and the number 1, there is a space 
inserted whenever there is a comma separating text from variable. The 
code in question is:


the line I use to set the title is:

oneHist <- hist(oneGamma,main=paste("here is one sample from your 

2. Background tint in png output varies in a way I can't understand.

One time I set up a png device and ran the plot and saved it:


Another time I forgot to turn on the device, ran the plot, then used 
dev.copy(png, file="poissonCLT",width=500,height=1000) to get:


in the poissonCLT.png, to my eye the background is light green, while in 
the gamma4.png, it is white. DO you see it too?

3. In all of these examples, I have had trouble positioning text in 
figures.  Because I don't know what the plotted values will be until the 
model is run, it is hard to write coordinates for text(x,y,""). I 
frequently wish there were a way to say "top left part of graph", but 
the best i can come up with is to find the coordinates of the max or min 
values of x and y and put the text there.

I have that code in the bottom of this one:


After using Axum for years, this seems a bit odd to me, but I'm willing 
to do it, if that is what you really intend us to do.

Paul E. Johnson                       email: pauljohn at ukans.edu
Dept. of Political Science            http://lark.cc.ku.edu/~pauljohn
University of Kansas                  Office: (785) 864-9086
Lawrence, Kansas 66045                FAX: (785) 864-5700

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