[R] Extracting a dataset from an nls object

Florent BATY baty at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr
Mon Dec 23 13:48:02 CET 2002


Does anyone know if it is possible to extract the whole data set from an 
nls object?
I tried


but it only provides the name of the data frame with no direct access to 
content of this data frame.
Do you have an idea??

Thanks in advance.

Florent BATY


Florent BATY
Dynamique des Populations Bactériennes
Faculté de Médecine Lyon-Sud
69921 OULLINS, BP 12
tel : +33 (0)4 78 86 31 67
fax : +33 (0)4 78 86 31 49

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