[R] A beginner's problems with plotting

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Fri Dec 13 12:08:03 CET 2002

>>>>> "Jeremy" == Jeremy Z Butler <jeremybutler at paradise.net.nz>
>>>>>     on Fri, 13 Dec 2002 13:05:22 +1300 (NZDT) writes:

    Jeremy> How would I go about plotting all 8 columns of a
    Jeremy> data.frame on a simple line graph. i.e. eight lines
    Jeremy> and sets of points, differentiated by line pattern
    Jeremy> or colour)?

help(matplot) and its examples;
also as you might want a legend anyway 
help(legend) and its examples

{and there is a "lattice" way to do this...}

    Jeremy> An what further arguments would I need to invoke a
    Jeremy> log scale on the y-axis of that same plot (normal
    Jeremy> x-axis)?

matplot(........., log = "y")

Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch>	http://stat.ethz.ch/~maechler/

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