[R] strange QQ-Plot

JRG loesljrg at accucom.net
Sun Dec 8 19:22:03 CET 2002

On 8 Dec 02, at 18:31, Fred Jopp wrote:

> Hi,
> i am working on a data set with EDA. That includes QQ-Plots of
> residuals vs expected normal distribution. 
> What puzzles me is that the range of ordinate and abscissae is
> so different: while the theoretical quantiles range from [-2, 2] 
> the sample quantiles on the ordinate do extent from [-20, 50]. 
> Quite obviously some kind of transformation is done. 

?? What transformation?  The ordinate is simplest the variable you supplied, 
and its units are what they are.  And the range of the normal quantiles (the 
abscissa) is driven by the number of observations you supplied.

> Although i intensively RTFM i could not find, what is done here. 
> What exactly characterizes the range of the ordinate in QQ-Plots ?

Rather than TFM, perhaps an elementary introduction to QQ-plots?


> cheers,
> Fred
> -- 
> Fred Jopp		       |  fjopp at zedat.fu-berlin.de
> Lab.f. Soil Zoology & Ecology  |  www.biologie.fu-berlin.de/bodenzoo/
> Grunewaldstr. 34               |  Tel. +49.30.8385.5946
> D-12165 Berlin		       |  FAX  +49.30.8385.3886
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