[R] R-Winedt

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Wed Dec 4 09:44:02 CET 2002

John Sutton wrote:
> Hello:
> I installed R-WinEdit according to the instructions, including those for
> setting
>   the editor and pager options. Doesn't seem to work--when I try to edit a
> file, I get the following:
> > > options(editor="\"c:/program files/winedt/winedt\" -c=\"R-WinEdt-edit\"
> > -e=r.ini -V")
> > > getOption("editor")
> >[1] "\"c:/program files/winedt/winedt\" -c=\"R-WinEdt-edit\" -e=r.ini -V"
> > > edit ("Multi1.R")
> >Error in edit(name, file, editor) : unable to run editor "c:/program
> >files/winedt/winedt" -c="R-WinEdt-edit" -e=r.ini -V
> Got any advice?

1. First of all, I'd suggest to start the Editor not from R, but from a
shortcut (e.g. in your startmenu or on the desktop) to edit files.

2. edit("Multi1.R") won't work, see ?edit for details.

3. It seems to be required to specify the extension in some windows
versions, e.g.:
"\"c:/program files/winedt/winedt.exe\" -c=\"R-WinEdt-edit\" -e=r.ini

4. Are you sure WinEdt is installed in the specified directory?

5. In case of any further questions, please 
 a) post a private message - I don't think R-WinEdt is of interest for
the majority on this list.
 b) Tell us (me) some details 
  (i)   Version numbers of: R, Windows, WinEdt, R-WinEdt
  (ii)  Where does WinEdt live?

Uwe Ligges

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