[R] A question from a newbee...

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Fri Aug 2 07:47:10 CEST 2002

>>>>> "jlamoral" == jlamoral  <jlamoral at ulb.ac.be> writes:

    jlamoral> Hello .  I have a little question ..  I work with
    jlamoral> Anova (aov) and Manova (manova) and want to print
    jlamoral> some result in a text file. I see the results with
    jlamoral> the summary function or the summary.aov function
    jlamoral> but i do not know how to save the differents
    jlamoral> probabilities of error in a value.  Sorry for my
    jlamoral> poor English

If you use

 myAov <- aov(.......)

and even 
 Saov <- summary(myAov)

should `see' the STRucture (typically list components) of the
resulting object.

{but I have to admit I do not fully understand what you mean by
 ``differents probabilities of error''}

    jlamoral> Thanks a lot.
    jlamoral> -- Lamoral Julien

You're welcome

Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch>	http://stat.ethz.ch/~maechler/
Seminar fuer Statistik, ETH-Zentrum  LEO C16	Leonhardstr. 27
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