[R] Scripting capabilities for R

Philippe Grosjean phgrosje at ulb.ac.be
Wed May 30 08:21:28 CEST 2001

>Of these 4, their priority is for R to have S-Plus scripting capability.  I
>realize that they can get this using Emacs with ESS, but I found it
>sufficiently daunting to teach rank beginners how to use R/S-Plus
>proficiently in 10 weeks that teaching them how to use Emacs/ESS at the
>same time scares the bejesus out of me.

There is WinEd (there is a reference in CRAN). I personnally use Textpad
which also offer a synthax color highlighting, and many other nice feature
for R/Splus scripts (see http://www.textpad.com). Both of these program ar
shareware... they are not free, and they work under Windows.

I am interested by your list of students wishes, since I am developing a GPL
user interface for math/stat calculation engines (among others: R and Splus,
but also Octave, Scilab and Mathematica,...). It will run under Windows only
(for the moment), but will be able to interact with calculation engines on
other computers in the network, including Unix/Linux boxes. Do your students
asked for some more specific features?

If you want more infos about my project, see http://www.sciviews.org. You
won't find code or program yet for this user interface, and the project is
not going very fast since I have other priorities now (see also
http://www.sciviews.org/_passtec), but a first working version will be out
probably next year. It will provide similar features as the Matlab 6.0
interface, but with the opportunity to interface several calculation engines
at a time. Script editing/debugging with synthax highlighting, quick help
tips, autocompletion, etc... is already done. I think your students would
love it!!!


Philippe Grosjean

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( ( ( ( ( 	|__)              	|  _
 ) ) ) ) )	|   hilippe       	|__)rosjean
( ( ( ( ( 	Marine Biol. Lab., ULB, Belgium
 ) ) ) ) )	                  	 __
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( ( ( ( (
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