[R] R and xterm

Dermot MacSweeney dsweeney at nmrc.ucc.ie
Wed Mar 28 17:27:19 CEST 2001

> >I have a problem that's similar to one discussed earlier on the list: 
> >When not in xterm all the backspace and cursor-movements and stuff 
> > are working well. Only when I start R in an xterm window backspace 
> > appears as ^H and so on. What can I do?

In my solaris UNIX, the following can be used:

stty erase ^H	#sets erase to "backspace"

stty erase ^?	#sets erase to "del"

You can put this into your .login file so that it runs automatically when you 
open an xterm



Dermot MacSweeney			NMRC, 
Email: dsweeney at nmrc.ucc.ie		Lee Maltings, 
Tel: +353 21 4904178			Prospect Row, 
Fax: +353 21 4270271			Cork, 
WWW: http://nmrc.ucc.ie			Ireland


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