[R] error starting R 1.2.2 in Redhat 7.0 (GLIB 2.2 not defined...)

Tony Long tdlong at uci.edu
Tue Mar 20 20:11:59 CET 2001


	I just upgraded my system to Redhat 7.0, and installed the 
RPM for R 1.2.2.  I intall R 1.2.2 using the rpm -U xxxx command. 
When R is invoked from some directories it starts and runs fine, from 
other directories I get a strange message at startup (and R exits 
without starting).  Thus far the directory with the problem tends to 
contain ".data" files from the previous version of R.  When R exits 
without starting I get the following message

/usr/lib/R/bin/R.bin:  error while loading shared libraries: 
/usr/lib/R/bin/R.bin:  symbol __sysconf,
version GLIBC_2.2 not defined ion file libc.so.6 with link time reference

	Of course, I do not really understand what this message 
implies I do.  Any advice would be appreciated.  Thanks.  Tony

PS  (I still haven't carried out the "backward upgrade" of the gcc 
compiler)....later today
Tony Long
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Steinhaus Hall
University of California at Irvine
Irvine, CA

Tel:  (949) 824-2562   (office)
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Fax: (949) 824-2181

email:  tdlong at uci.edu
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