[R] apply()

Kaspar Pflugshaupt pflugshaupt at cirsium.ethz.ch
Fri Mar 16 10:49:17 CET 2001

On Friday 16 March 2001 09:55, Ko-Kang at xtra.co.nz wrote:
> Hi,
> I input this command on a data matrix:
>  >   apply( traffic, 2, function(z){z-mean(z)})
> and got the following error messages:
>   Error in sum(..., na.rm = na.rm) : invalid "mode" of argument
> Can anyone tell me what is wrong here?

Is it really a normal matrix? Because the following works here:

 m <- matrix(rnorm(100), nrow=10)

(R 1.2.2 on Linux)



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Kaspar Pflugshaupt
Geobotanical Institute
ETH Zurich, Switzerland

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