[R] Kaplan-Meier for left-truncated, right-censored data

Thomas Lumley tlumley at u.washington.edu
Sun Mar 11 23:23:13 CET 2001

On Sun, 11 Mar 2001, Chong Gu wrote:

> Is it possible to calculate Kaplan-Meier for left-truncated,
> right-censored data using survival5?

Yes and no.

You can calculate the baseline survival curve for a null Cox model, which
comes to the same thing
Eg, using the test2 dataset from help(coxph)


Using type="kaplan-meier" gives a product-type estimator that in
untruncated data would be the Kaplan-Meier. Without this you get exp(-H)
where H is the estimated cumulative hazard (an estimator variously
attributed to Aalen, Breslow, Peto, and probably others).


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