[R] evaluating keystroke

Mark Myatt mark at myatt.demon.co.uk
Wed Jul 25 12:20:40 CEST 2001

David White <dwhite at ling.ohio-state.edu> writes:
>On the question of evaluating keystrokes:
>I often plot subsets of data to get a sense of what I'm looking for. I
>generally run a for loop with the specification par(ask=TRUE) after each
>plot command, so that I can take time to look over the data before going
>on to the next plot by pressing RETURN.B
>Would it be possible to use readline() in such a command sequence to write
>a comment about each plot before going on to the next? This would
>certainly help me take quicker and better notes when examining data, and
>might even allow me to use R in a perception/classification experiment.

Something like:

        comments <- vector(mode = "character")
        for(i in 1:(dim(volcano)[2] - 1))
          plot(volcano[ ,i], volcano[ ,i+1], main = paste("Plot ", i))
          comments[i] <- readline("Comments : ")

Should do the trick.


Mark Myatt

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