[R] Good books for learning R?
M. Edward Borasky
znmeb at aracnet.com
Wed Feb 14 15:53:22 CET 2001
I'm looking for some good books to help me get up to speed on R. I've
ordered "Modern Applied Statistics with S-Plus (Statistics and Computing)"
as a start, but I'm wondering if there are any others I should look at. I've
got all the documentation that comes with R, but I still am spending a lot
of time "figuring out" how to do simple things like getting confidence
limits for a mean, even with the search capability in the R on-line help.
Ed Borasky
mailto:znmeb at aracnet.com
Q: What phrase will you never hear Candice Bergen use?
A: "My daddy didn't raise no dummies".
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