[R] R: plotting values on graphics
Kaspar Pflugshaupt
pflugshaupt at geobot.umnw.ethz.ch
Fri Oct 6 15:33:53 CEST 2000
On 6.10.2000 14:51 Uhr, joseph d. hughes wrote:
> points(tx, ty, pch = ch, col = "red", bg = "yellow", cex = 3)
> }
> }
> The problem with the code above is I only get a one character symbol at each
> node (e.g. n=123 gives me 1 on the screen). Is there something wrong with my
> as.character or points function calls?
Yes, "points" is the wrong function to use for this, since the "pch" option
uses only one character. You should use "text" instead. For usage see
> Is there a better way to do this?
You might also want to look at the "symbols" function available in the
current R versions. It allows you to, e.g., draw circles of a size
corresponding to your count values. I've found this quite an intuitive way
of visualizing such data.
Kaspar Pflugshaupt
Kaspar Pflugshaupt
Geobotanisches Institut
Zuerichbergstr. 38
CH-8044 Zuerich
Tel. ++41 1 632 43 19
Fax ++41 1 632 12 15
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