SV: [R] Kaplan-Meier for left truncated data?

Thomas Lumley thomas at
Fri May 26 19:54:59 CEST 2000

On Fri, 26 May 2000, Fredrik Lundgren wrote:

> summary of "How do I ask for the 'baseline hazard' of a coxph fit??"
> Thank you to Thomas Lumley, Brian Ripley, Göran Bodström and Bendix
> Cartensen for their tips to use plot(survfit( Thomas
> Lumley suggests that to get the "real baseline hazard" I should use
> -log(survfit($surv) and set all covariates=0 in which case
> I need to supply these values to survfit. But how do you supply
> covariate values to survfit? Shouldn't they be supplied to coxph in
> some way?

No, to survfit.  coxph fits the model, it doesn't care what you do to it
afterwards.  If you look at the documentation for survfit() it has a
data= argument to specify which covariates values you want the survival
curve for.


Thomas Lumley
Assistant Professor, Biostatistics
University of Washington, Seattle

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