A.J. Rossini
rossini at biostat.washington.edu
Thu Mar 16 18:55:56 CET 2000
>>>>> "DB" == Douglas Bates <bates at stat.wisc.edu> writes:
DB> I don't know of any R code or packages presently available for
DB> MCMC. However, it would be a very interesting project to
DB> design such code, either for R or for omegahat. The concept
DB> of a function closure in R could be quite helpful. I think
DB> Ross Ihaka and/or Robert Gentleman wrote a paper once on how a
DB> Bayesian model would naturally be expressed as a function
DB> closure.
Greg Warnes has some code to do this (R and Omegahat). At some point,
it should be pretty general, I'm not sure what stage it is at right
A.J. Rossini Research Assistant Professor of Biostatistics
Biostatistics/Univ. of Washington (Th) Box 357232 206-543-1044 (3286=fax)
Center for AIDS Research/HMC/UW (M/F) Box 359931 206-731-3647 (3693=fax)
VTN/SCHARP/FHCRC (Tu/W) Box 358080 206-667-7025 (4812=fax)
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