Peter Malewski
p.malewski at tu-bs.de
Wed Mar 15 08:13:08 CET 2000
On Tue, 14 Mar 2000, LOSCHINORRIS wrote:
> Dear R-Help,
> I know that R already includes conditioning plots (two variables/factors)
> but is there any intention to incorporate an equivalent of Trellis
> (Splus) multi-conditional plots in R ?
(Just an opinion): I made Trellis-plots two years ago with splus 3. The
only thing I can remember was the heavy amount of time to prepare the data
for 1 plot (patially because i was new to s). And the way to pass
arguments via panel was tricky..With R I use subscripting to produce
cond. graphs. I have the feeling that this is -in the mean- easier and
faster, the code is more readable, etc.
btw. R has the coplot function...
best wishes
P.Malewski Tel.: 0531 500965
Maschplatz 8 mailto: Peter.Malewski at gmx.de
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