[R] Compiling R on an Alpha

F.Tusell etptupaf at bs.ehu.es
Tue Jun 20 14:18:22 CEST 2000

>  Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 10:40:32 +0100 (BST)
>  From: Prof Brian D Ripley <ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk>
>  Sender: ripley at auk.stats
>  Cc: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
>  Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
>  On Tue, 20 Jun 2000, F.Tusell wrote:
>  > Sorry to be  such a nuisance but after asking  for help with compiling
>  > R-1.1.0 on  an Intel-based machine I  now have another  problem on the
>  > Alpha DS-10 server which my students use.
>  Um. Is this running Linux then?  If so, what distribution?  It might
>  matter.

   Yes, Red Hat 6.1. 

>  > Compilation and instalation  proceed perfectly, but when I  invoke R I
>  > get:
>  > 
>  > [etdx01:bin]$ ./R
>  > Fatal error: The X11 shared library could not be loaded.
>  >   The error was /home/etptupaf/R/lib/R/bin/R_X11.so: undefined symbol: R_GlobalEnv
>  > 
>  > I  have  read  the  INSTALL,   README,  and  FAQ  files and grep'ed the
>  > docs  for  info  on R_Global_Env, but found none.
>  R_Global_Env is an exported constant from R.bin.  I get (Solaris, but i686
>  Linux is similar)
>  auk% nm -g R_X11.so
>  R_X11.so:
>  0000000000 U .div
>  0000000000 U .rem
>  0000000000 U .udiv
>  0000000000 U .umul
>  0000000000 U C_alloc
>  0000000000 U C_free
>  0000039416 T GetX11Pixel
>  0000014944 T RX11_dataentry
>  0000000000 U R_ExpandFileName
>  0000000000 U R_GlobalEnv
>  ...
>  auk% nm -g R.bin
>  R.bin:
>  ...
>  0002008832 B R_GlobalEnv
>  So what should happen is that R_GlobalEnv is exported from R.bin
>  (specifically, from src/main/main.o, I think) and when R_X11.so is
>  dynamically loaded, the symbol is resolved.
>  Martyn Plummer has pointed out that on some Linux systems (RH6.2
>  specifically) the `undefined symbol' messages are unreliable.
>  So you might want to bear that in mind.
   I wouldn't mind about the message only, but execution aborts (or 
   perhaps does not even start).

>  BTW, where does make check get to? (The same error I presume.)
>  You could also try
>  R --gui=none
>  and then try loading some libraries.  That would indicate if there
>  was a general problem with dlopen or something specific to R_X11.so.
   I will do that and let you know if I find something. In the mean time,
   if any of the developers can think of some relevant change in the
   libraries involved, that might be a clue. What puzzles me is that
   after the failure with R-1.1.0, I backtracked and installed again
   R-1.0.1 with absolutely no problem (and there is also a R_X11.so

   Thank you for your help.

>  -- 
>  Brian D. Ripley,                  ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
>  Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
>  University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
>  1 South Parks Road,                     +44 1865 272860 (secr)
>  Oxford OX1 3TG, UK                Fax:  +44 1865 272595

Fernando TUSELL                                 e-mail:
Departamento de Econometría y Estadística           etptupaf at bs.ehu.es 
Facultad de CC.EE. y Empresariales              Tel:  (+34)94.601.3733
Avenida Lendakari Aguirre, 83                   Fax:  (+34)94.601.3754
E-48015 BILBAO  (Spain)                         Secr: (+34)94.601.3740
PGP: finger etptupaf at bsdx01.bs.ehu.es           http://agesi.bs.ehu.es

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