[R] FrameMaker/MIF driver

Prof Brian D Ripley ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Thu Jun 8 21:36:49 CEST 2000

On Thu, 8 Jun 2000, Usman Muzaffar wrote:

> Hello -
> 1. Is there any way to directly export R plots to MIF format
>    for import into FrameMaker?

What's MIF?

> 2. If not, how hard would it be to add such a device driver?
>    I don't see device driver docs in the R extensions docs.
>    Are drivers contained in their own source files with simple
>    interfaces to the data structures with plot data?

It is not difficult, and src/dev/unix/devX11.c says:

        /* This device driver has been documented so that it be */
        /* used as a template for new drivers                   */


If MIF is in fact accurately documented (and lots of so-called graphics
formats are not) this should be an afternoon's task (says he havng written
a few drivers recently).

Brian D. Ripley,                  ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road,                     +44 1865 272860 (secr)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK                Fax:  +44 1865 272595

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