[R] plotting axes

Troels Ring tring at mail1.stofanet.dk
Thu Apr 27 20:09:22 CEST 2000

Dear friends. I appreciate the help that plot.date is not yet fully 
developed but beautiful and efficient as is anyway. I attach again an 
example from a real patient and now the problem is how to represent a 
chemical C-reactive protein (CRP) on the plot together with concentration 
of vancomycin. CRP was 25-200 and vancomycin below about 20. I only could 
get it about right by dividing CRP by 10 and the plot is informative as is 
- but how could I make an axis for the CRP ? I've tried taking all axes 
away (but dates are not taken away, anyway) and adding 
axis(4,at=seq(25,200,by=25)) but it will leave the plot at the upper right. 
So, will I have to construct it from mtext ?
I too would be happy to have also more basic R-oriented material akin to 
--also so not to have to make all these basic questions to the very 
advanced people around.
Thanks for your efforts and dedication - and patience.


data <- read.table("vanco2.dat",h=T)
dates <- mdy.date(month,day,year)
plot(dates,vanco,pch=c(19),xlab='',ylab="[Vancomycin] ",
main="Vanco versus ugentlig dosis")
dm <- c(1,1,1,1,2,2,3)
dd <- c(7,17,21,31,23,25,3)
dy <- rep(2000,7)
limits <- mdy.date(dm,dd,dy)
x <- c(14611.37, 14620.95, 14627.94, 14634.44, 14650.85, 14663.85, 
-------------- next part --------------
month   day     year  dosis  vanco	CRP
12      31      1999    1       3.8	192
1       3       2000    1       2.4	200
1	5	2000	NA	NA	190
1       7       2000    1       3.4	NA
1       12      2000    2       7.1	NA
1       14      2000    2       5.3	NA
1       17      2000    2       5.7	123
1       19      2000    3       7.7	NA
1       21      2000    3       8.3	82
1       24      2000    4       8.7	83
1       26      2000    4       11.1	NA
1       31      2000    4       12.3	74
2	2	2000	NA	NA	83
2       7       2000    4.5     12.0	71
2       14      2000    4.5     14.9	71
2       18      2000    4.5     23.0	NA
2	21	2000	NA	NA	93
2       25      2000    3       20.1	67
2       28      2000    2       11.3	78
3	1	2000	2	13.7	NA
3	3	2000	NA	NA	64
3	6	2000	NA	NA	47
3	8	2000	3	12.8	NA
3	10	2000	3	7.4	NA
3	13	2000	3	9.1	33
3	15	2000	3	12.2	NA
3	17	2000	3	13.8	33
3	20	2000	NA	NA	36
3	27	2000	NA	NA	32
4	3	2000	NA	NA	36
4	5	2000	NA	NA	37
4	10	2000	NA	NA	25
4	17	2000	NA	NA	24
4	24	2000	NA	NA	24
4	26	2000	NA	NA	25

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