[R] Hierarchical Regression

Ragnar Beer rbeer at uni-goettingen.de
Tue Apr 4 12:57:56 CEST 2000

>On Tue, 4 Apr 2000, Ragnar Beer wrote:
>  > Howdy!
>  >
>  > I'm a clinical psychologist desperately trying to get rid of SPSS. I
>  > just discovered R and like it quite a lot. The main reason why we're
>  > still using SPSS  is the hierarchical regression where you enter
>  > bundles of variables into a linear model and get an R-sqare increase
>  > tested with an F-test. I already found add1 and drop1 but would
>  > rather need addn and dropn. Is there something like that? Or how else
>  > can I get what I want?
>Please give us an example. If the variables are fitted in the order you
>give them you want a sequential anova, which anova() gives on the fitted
>object containing all the variables.  Otherwise a for loop around anova
>looks to be what you want.

Here is an example:
I have measured relationship satisfaction (dv), difficulty (iv1) and 
clarity (iv2) of relationship related personal goals and emotional 
(iv3) and instrumental (iv4) support  for those goals prior to and 
after marital therapy.
I want to know how much variance of pre/post-changes in relationship 
satisfaction can be explained by changes in iv1 and iv2 (dv ~ iv1 + 
iv2), by changes in iv3 and iv4 (dv ~ iv3 + iv4) and I want to know 
wether a model including all of the iv's explains a significant 
amount of variance over these two models (dv ~ iv1 + iv2 + iv3 + iv4).

Ragnar Beer <rbeer at uni-goettingen.de>

Universitaet Goettingen
Institut fuer Psychologie
Klinische Psychologie
Gosslerstr. 14
37073 Goettingen

Phone:    +49/551/39-3566
Fax:      +49/551/39-3544
Homepage: http://www.gwdg.de/~rbeer
Training: http://goal.uni-psych.gwdg.de

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