[R] image legend
Jonathan Rougier
J.C.Rougier at durham.ac.uk
Tue Sep 21 09:56:30 CEST 1999
Hi Andy,
> Does anyone have a function for putting a legend on an image
> plot? I couldn't locate an R equivalent of image.legend....has
> anyone written such a thing?
I'm attaching a couple of files for an `image.legend' that I wrote a few
weeks ago, although I have called it `image.scale' as it is not Splus
compatible. Because I am lazy it has lots of default options. I am afraid
it falls a bit into the `crude but effective until shown otherwise'
Cheers, Jonathan.
Jonathan Rougier Science Laboratories
Department of Mathematical Sciences South Road
University of Durham Durham DH1 3LE
"[B]egin upon the precept ... that the things we see are to be
weighed in the scale with what we know" (Meredith, 1879, The Egoist)
-------------- next part --------------
"image.scale" <-
function (z, col, x, y = NULL, size = NULL, digits = 2, labels = c("breaks",
# sort out the location
n <- length(col)
usr <- par("usr")
mx <- mean(usr[1:2]); my <- mean(usr[3:4])
dx <- diff(usr[1:2]); dy <- diff(usr[3:4])
if (missing(x))
x <- mx + 1.05*dx/2 # default x to right of image
else if (is.list(x)) {
if (length(x$x) == 2)
size <- c(diff(x$x), -diff(x$y)/n)
y <- x$y[1]
x <- x$x[1]
} else x <- x[1]
if (is.null(size))
if (is.null(y)) {
size <- 0.618*dy/n # default size, golden ratio
y <- my + 0.618*dy/2 # default y to give centred scale
} else size <- (y-my)*2/n
if (length(size)==1)
size <- rep(size, 2) # default square boxes
if (is.null(y))
y <- my + n*size[2]/2
# draw the image scale
i <- seq(along = col)
rect(x, y - i * size[2], x + size[1], y - (i - 1) * size[2],
col = rev(col), xpd = TRUE)
# sort out the labels
rng <- range(z, na.rm = TRUE)
bks <- seq(from = rng[2], to = rng[1], length = n + 1)
bks <- formatC(bks, format="f", digits=digits)
labels <- match.arg(labels)
if (labels == "breaks")
ypts <- y - c(0, i) * size[2]
else {
bks <- paste(bks[-1], bks[-(n+1)], sep = " - ")
ypts <- y - (i - 0.5) * size[2]
text(x = x + 1.2 * size[1], y = ypts, labels = bks, adj =
ifelse(size[1]>0, 0, 1), xpd = TRUE)
-------------- next part --------------
\title{Provide scale to image plots}
image.scale(z, col, x, y=NULL, size=NULL, digits=2, labels=c("breaks", "ranges"))
\item{z}{Data from image plot}
\item{col}{Colours from image plot}
\item{x}{Horizintal location of top-left corner of scale, or list with
\code{x} and \code{y} components}
\item{y}{Vertical location of top-left corner of scale}
\item{size}{1- or 2-vector of colour-box dimensions}
\item{digits}{Number of digits after the decimal point in labels}
\item{labels}{Type of labels}
Provides a vertical colour scale to accompany an image plot. The
location defaults to the right of the plot, the colour-boxes
default to square, and the style of the labels defaults to giving
the breaks to the right of the scale.}
Use \code{x=locator(1)} or give both \code{x} and \code{y}
arguments to specify the top-left corner of the scale. The
colour-boxes then default to squares, and the image is centred
around the vertical midpoint. Use \code{x=locator(2)} for
complete control of the scale size and location. The usual scale
(labels to the right) requires a top-left and bottom-right. To
reverse the scale, go bottom-top. To swith labels to the left,
go right-left.
The labels default to single values giving the breaks, centred
between colour-boxes. For ranges centred vertically on each
colour-box (wider), specify \code{labels="ranges"}.}
\author{Jonathan Rougier}
# create an image plot
x <- seq(-0.5, 0.5, len = 31)
qform <- function(x, y) 3*x^2 + y^2 - 2*x*y
z <- outer(x, x, FUN = qform)
par("mar" = c(5, 4, 4, 10) + 0.1) # wide righthand margin
image(x, x, z, col=gray(6:12/15))
image.scale(z, gray(6:12/15)) # the default
image(x, x, z, col=gray(6:12/15))
image.scale(z, gray(6:12/15), labels="range") # with range labels
# play around with the following ...
image(x, x, z, col=gray(6:12/15))
image.scale(z, gray(6:12/15), x=locator(1)) # or locator(2)
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