[R] R on LinuxPPC

cstrato@EUnet.at cstrato at EUnet.at
Sun Nov 7 20:56:45 CET 1999

> Hi,

Currently,  I am working with S-Plus on Win95, but I have now installed R
on my PowerBook G3.

Now I have the following questions:
1, How can I see large tables?
When the table is  a matrix, I can use "data.entry(ma)", however, when the
table is a "data.frame"
this seems not work.

2, How can I scroll to the end of the table in this "data.entry" window?
(e.g. with 10,000 rows)
The keys <fn>-page up/down and <fn>-end donĀ“t work (although they do work
when I am using
e.g. the midnight commander mc)

3, How can I see which functions I have defined in R?

Note: One of the most useful features in S-Plus for Win95 is the "Object
Explorer", which shows me
all objects, i.e. lists, matrices, etc., but also results of calculations,
and also all functions,which I have
imported or defined, and which I can open upon double clicking. It would
be great, if a similar feature
would exist in R.

Thank you very much for your help
Christian Stratowa
e-mail: cstrato at EUnet.at

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